Monday, January 27, 2014

USDWSWDW: US Department of What Should We Do and Why

do we need to build more space shuttles?  mars mission? work less hours?  spend less on cell phones? etc.  right now that's decided by a weird mix of public opinion, corporate interests, talk radio, politicians, political battles, etc.  we need a federal department to do what the philosopher kings in plato republic were gonna do.  well, but not like they're in charge, they just make recommendations or whatever, think tank, only instead of one it's like a whole department, and here's the key, they have a marketing section to convince everyone their idea is the way.  the Way.  so two jobs, find the Way and sell the Way.  they're kinda the same thing though, cuz ideas like "we need to cull 1/3 of the humans on earth" are never gonna fly cuz no one will agree even if it's the "best" idea (it's not the best cuz it's not gonna fly).  similarly deciding to make usa communist isn't gonna fly either, revolution isn't gonna come from a federal department.  so, this isn't going to change things much, it's just going to put money into thinking more critically as a nation/species.

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